Weekly Newsletter 06/03/2022
- Posted by Springwood Marketing
- On June 2, 2022
- 0

Announcement #1

Starting June 24th, Reveille Networking will be moving to a new location. We are excited to announce that our new home is Kokomos Mexican Cantina and Restaurant located at 26850 I-45 N, Oak Ridge North, TX 77386. Can’t wait to see you all there!!!
Announcement #2

Our last meeting at Luby’s will be June 17 which will also be the Reveille Networking 6th Year Birthday Bash and Business Expo.
If you would like to purchase a booth to advertise your business and have not already done so, please reach out to Adam Koch at akoch@kochig.com to reserve your spot. The cost is $75 for members and $100 for non-members.
It will be a time of celebration for what Reveille has accomplished, how it has grown and yes, there will be cake, in case you were worried. Please plan to be there and invite your friends as well. Let’s break an attendance record!!!

Announcement #3
Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped place flags at the graves of service members!

Announcement #4
Welcome First Timers!
Class of 282 (number of Reveille meetings)
More information to come!
On behalf of the 1600 + attendees of Reveille,
Howdy & Welcome!
We look forward to seeing you Friday!
Announcement #5
Name Tag Awards
12th Man Honorees:
25 “Silver Bugle” Honorees:
50 “Gold Aggie Ring” Honorees:
75 “White Diamond” Honorees:
100 “Century Tree” Honorees:
150 “Elite” Honorees:
200 “Double Diamond” Honoree:
Fun Pics of the Week

Photo Link:
A special thank you to Frank Boyd. Frank is a chemical process engineer and the owner of Frank Boyd Photography. Visit Frank’s website to view and download photos from previous meetings. (PHOTO TO SIDE)

Announcement #6
Our Members Make a Difference
2021….Donations (exciting additional announcements coming soon)
Q1 $2000 Montgomery County A&M Co A&M Scholarship
Q3 $250 Antioch Ministries International
Q3 $1,200 Meals on Wheels (2000 breakfast bags)
Q3 $2000 Operation Pets Alive
Q4 $1000 Project Zero
Q4 $250 Shield Bearer
Q4 $3400 Arrow Child and Family Ministries
Q4 $1,200 Meals on Wheels (2000 breakfast bags)
Q4 $1,000 VEL Institute
Q4 $2,000 Compassion United
2020…$15,000 was Donated to Local Charities!
Q1- $2,000 A&M Scholarship
Q2- $1,000 Breakfast bags to Meals on Wheels to feed elderly
Q2- $2,000 donated to Friends of Reveille impacted by Covid
Q3- $1,500 sponsor Veterans to attend leadership banquet
Q3- $2,000 donated to Interfaith of the Woodlands
Q4- $1,000 donated to Light the Night – Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Q4- $5,500 BEAR orphan & foster children Christmas presents
In 2019, $10,000 was donated to the following local charities:
Q1- A&M Scholarship
Q2- Veterans – VEL Institute
Q3- Animal Rescue – Operation Pets Alive (OPA)
Q4- Orphan & Foster Christmas Presents
(Every dollar above meal cost is donated)
Want to Become a Member?
email: Adam Koch
email: Victoria Cooper
Special Benefit: Members get an ad page on the Reveille website (see below for link).
Coffee Member: $20/month
Breakfast Member: $40/month
Friends of Reveille: starts at $75/month
(includes breakfast membership & all additional money is donated to local charities)
Build Your Page on Our Website
Members, click here to create your ad page on the Reveille website.

Announcement #7
LIVE at Luby’s
this Friday…In a Different Way
Friday, June 3rd

Luby’s is now…”Mask Optional”
(per Luby’s management)
Help Us Comply
– Mask is “optional” when entering
– 6′ spacing at check-in
– Mask is “optional” while moving around the restaurant
– Scattered groupings throughout the restaurant
Name Tag Dots will be provided
Green = Huggable
Yellow = Fist Bumps
Red = No Contact
Meeting Info:
7:00 – 7:20…..Networkers Arrive
7:20……………Breakfast is Served
7:30……………Meeting Starts
8:30……………Meeting Ends
8:30 – 9:00…..Networking
922 Lake Front Circle
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Announcement #8
“Simulcast of Live Meeting”
Reveille Online
Includes: Meeting Interaction & Online Commercials
via Zoom

If you are unable to attend Live at Luby’s yet,
please join Reveille Online
Friday, June 3, 2022
portal opens at 7:15am
Reveille Online – via Zoomhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/82449562506?pwd=SEFDNk0xUFVhSUFJQ3hnZk10VVRWQT09
Meeting ID: 824 4956 2506
Password: 781961————————————————————
If video is not an option for you, please use the Conference Call #
+1 (346) 248 7799
Meeting ID: 824 4956 2506
Password: 781961
Announcement #9
Staying Healthy – Request
If you are not feeling well, please join us Online.
If you have run a fever this week, please join us Online.
If you have been in direct contact with a positive test result, please join us Online.
If you have tested positive & have not completed the quarantine time, please join us Online.
We will continue to comply with Luby’s guidance.
Looking for Someone’s Contact Information?
Contacts from the roster are available via request. Please contact Adam at akoch@kochig.com.
Community Service Events
Community Service Events
Please contact Adam Koch with community service suggestions at akoch@kochig.com
Join Us at Our Next Meeting…
Date: Friday, June 3, 2022
922 Lake Front Circle
The Woodlands, TX 77380
7:00 – 7:30 am Networking
7:30 – 8:30 am Meeting
Weekly Meeting Cost:
Breakfast Buffet – $10
Chick-fil-a minis, Coffee & Beverages – $5
We accept cash or credit. First Timers attend for free.
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